The Adventures Of Buddah Pest

King of the run-on sentence...

Looky! This is what you get when you're clever and take your collar off! Well, you get this plus a new collar, which wasn't what I wanted but I still got this!

It's a giant mousie! It's the biggest mousie I've ever seen!

After I looked and sniffed and bited it a little the Dad hanged it for me so I could really get at it. It didn't bite back or anything. And I got tired of it, so the Mom had this envelope and she had more mousies! Lots and lots and lots of mousies! I love little mousies, especially the mousies that go rattle rattle rattle and all the mousies go rattle rattle rattle! I got to sniff them and bat at them, then the Mom put most of them away for later but left 3 of them out for me. And Max got to try to play with the big mousie, but he wasn't much interested. He didn't even seem interested in the little mousies so they're all mine!


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