The Adventures Of Buddah Pest

King of the run-on sentence...

I made Max happy! Today the Mom and the Dad and the Other Dad went somewhere and when they came back they had a special food treat for us, and Max was all excited because he wanted this treat really badly and didn't think he was going to get it so when the Mom gave it to us I took a couple of bites and thinked it was okay but not so good that I wanted it as bad as Max did so I letted him have mine and then he was super happy!

I hope this doesn't mean Max is going to try to give me a bath tonight because I taked one all by myself earlier but he has this thing about making me take a bath and using his tongue to do it to be sure I get the stinkies off my head.

But I made Max happy and he says Santa Claus saw it. And I don't know who that is but Max says he'll esplain it to me and that it will make me really happy and excited too!


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