The Adventures Of Buddah Pest

King of the run-on sentence...

Looky! I did get a birthday present!

It's my favorite kind of mousie! I thought only Santa brought these mousies but I got a new one from the Mom and the Dad and Max! The Mom said to try to not make it dead too fast because they're really really really hard to find but I don't know if I can stop that. Making a mousie dead is just what I do.


That is a cool mouse. We wish we could find some to send to yoU!

Excellent gift!

That is a swell birthday present there, Buddah!

Sunny and Sky have favorite mousies too - the ones that came in our Secret Paws present. Mom has already retrieved them from under the stove.

Padre, Panda Bear, Meerkat, Cookie, and Caramel (& fosters Sunny and Sky)

What a great mouse! I hope Santa finds some more for you at Christmas time too.

That rocks, Buddah!! Your favorite mousie! Have fun!

That looks like a first class mousie to us. Enjoy it Buddah.

You look very cool hanging out there, Buddah.

I really admire your Buddah blog! Please check out my blog- The Grey Gatsby :) Gatsby is our stray cat. We are both new to the blogging world and could use you help to spread the word! Please and thank you!

we knows whatcha mean 'bout faverit mousies--we likes the white or grey (real) fur ones, but we nefur get to keep 'em furry long. we don't play 'em to deth, the damnbrowndawg EATS 'em.

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