The Adventures Of Buddah Pest

King of the run-on sentence...

Last night the evil introoder kitty that looks a lot like Victor Tabbycat came to visit and he knocked on the front window so I went to talk to him and then we ran around the house looking at each other through all the different windows and I was trying to get him to just sit still but then the Mom woke up and she came out and wanted to know what the (badword) was that noise I was making because it sounded like someone was trying to get in, but nope, it was just me.


But it's so important to keep an eye on the introoder kitties.

Dude!!! Good to see you again!

Those introoders can be so rude. Usually they will not sit still and talk so we can explain that they are not welcome. Our introoder kitty has started sitting on the front porch and talking to us! We are not sure what to do!

You can never be too careful. Always keep guard! Good work.

You can't trust those introoder kitties.

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