The Adventures Of Buddah Pest

King of the run-on sentence...

I really did and Max said it's a big deal and that I should announce to the whole world how I finally came out of the closet, but I'm not really sure WHY it's a big deal, because really, it's the Mom's fault that I was in there in the first place, well at least it was her fault I was stuck in there because I crawled in there to take a nap in the laundry basket after dinner and when she went to bed she closed it without looking and I waited for like an hour thinking she was going to open the door again but she didn't so I had to butt my head on the door which kind of scared her because she didn't know where the sound was coming from at first but then she figured it out and opened the door and said, "Oh sweetie, I'm sorry, I didn't know you were in there," and then I came out of the closet!


I think Max is being a teasy bro, dude. Because really? We've ALL come out of the closet at some point of other!

Max is truing to put one over on you!

That wasn't quite what I expected after that tagline, but closets are cool, especially if you're not allowed to be in them and figure out how to open the doors anyway!

Glad you have the patience of Buddah! Mom locked me in the shoe closet last week and it was like a WHOLE half hour and I thought I was going to die!!! Had to come out and take a long nap to recover.

Marty the Manx

I've come out of the closet a lot. it's no big deal. just make your mom give you treats. - Sammy

Our Mom finally gave up on trying to keep us out of the closet and now leaves one door open just a kitty width.


Anonymous said... 8:31 AM  

Dude! U need to blog more! U and max r awesome! Why should he do all the blogin!

Ah but at least yoo were safe coming out of the closet!



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