The Adventures Of Buddah Pest

King of the run-on sentence...

Looky! The Dad wanted to read the newspaper but I didn't want him to because I wanted head skritches, and look!

I got them. Lots of them. And I curled up and went to sleep for a little while so he had to wait to read the paper.

I got down for a little while and he left the paper there, so I jumped back up and took a nap, because there's nothing like a nap on top of crinkly paper.


Naps on papers are great. Especially if you can inconvenience your bean.

Tavi, Cody and gracie

Newspaper naps are great! We like to chew the paper to shreds, too. Sometimes the news just isn't worth reading, y'know?

Yes, hoomins must be restrained from doing anything that doesn't include total attention to kittehs.

Crinckly paper is almost as good as a lap and scritches!

Buddah, may I say you look as handsome as ever?

Your dad clearly has his priorities kitty first, then read the paper. And, he was very sweet to leave his paper out for your napping pleasure.

Well, of course you got some skritches! How could he deny you!?? And how could he read the paper???

You have your The Dad well trained, Buddah!

Good going, Buddah for writing after a long dry spell. Scritches and newspapers are fun.

Buddah, I've missed you! I wish you wrote more often, but I guess naps on crinkly paper are a much bigger priority, right?

Virtual Skritches to you!

Newspapers are the best, you are right!

You have a good idea, to get between your Dad and the crinkly paper to get scritches. I haven't tried napping on paper yet.


Buddah, Max says you fetch. I'd really like to see a picture of that sometime.

Oh, and that looks like some pretty sweet dad-scritches!

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